If you've been a workout guru before but fell off track for a period of time, you may understand what it’s like trying to get back into the swing of things after being stagnant for awhile. It’s easy to feel like you've lost track of fitness trends, equipment and exercises during your time away. While muscle memory is on your side, at least, it’s not bad to refresh yourself on some things you should have as part of your workout collection and some exercises that are must-do’s:
-If you’re going to do only one thing, lift. Lifting weights builds muscle mass and turns your body into a fat-burning machine. If you find yourself short on time, choose the iron over cardio. Build more muscle, burn more fat.
-Invest in a good pair of wrist wraps. Carpal tunnel can especially be a big issue when your day job involves typing and doing your workout. Keeping the wrist in a neutral position is key, and wearing properly tightened wrist wraps can really be a huge help with reducing wrist pain.
-Set small goals and celebrate them along the way. Having a big goal of dropping 30+ pounds is great, but set small benchmarks along the way. Not only will it make your goal seem more feasible to reach, you will be less likely to get discouraged and fall off track.
-Practice proper form above all. You may have squatted 350 before, but that doesn't mean you can jump right back into it. Ease into your weights and be sure your form is on point. Bad form equals injuries, and injuries equal even more time not working out.
-Schedule yourself time for your workout. If you’re the type of person who just can’t find the time after work, do it before. Get to bed earlier, set your alarm earlier, get your workout done and shower.
No matter what the reason was that you stopped working out, what matters is you’re looking to get back at it. Every workout we endure is a pat on the back for our bodies. Educate yourself and invest in sport-appropriate equipment and you’ll be back on track in no time.